Keeping your toothbrush clean is very important for your teeth. Dentists in Virginia suggest some easy tips to help you out. A restorative dentist in Roanoke can provide a regular check-up to help you stay up-to-date about your teeth. Certain steps can ensure that your toothbrush remains germ-free before it goes into your mouth. Also, remember to switch to a new toothbrush every few months.
If you want to go the extra mile, read this blog to find out five ways you can keep your toothbrush thoroughly sanitized. Unclean toothbrushes are the breeding grounds for bacteria, and you certainly do not want that to happen.
Helpful tips to keep your toothbrush clean.
- Wash your hands.
Before you start brushing your teeth, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds. Bacteria and viruses mainly spread through your hands; therefore, it is very important to keep them clean and tidy. Washing your hands before and after using a toothbrush might help you stop the spread of microorganisms through the bristles of your toothbrush.
- Rinse with warm water.
After you brush your teeth, do not forget to rinse your toothbrush in warm water. This is the best way to keep your toothbrush clean. It helps eliminate any germs or bacteria present on the bristles after brushing. You use your toothbrush to clean leftover food particles or debris in your mouth; therefore, make sure to rinse it thoroughly after using it.
- Replace them regularly.
Scientists do not recommend using a toothbrush for more than four months. Always replace your old toothbrush with a new one within approximately three to four months. Replacing is recommended because of the wear that comes with regular use. Using a toothbrush for a longer period also decreases its effectiveness in cleaning. Therefore, make sure to replace it regularly.
- Sanitize with solutions.
If your toothbrush needs a deeper clean, you can sanitize it in liquid. To do this, dip your toothbrush into a solution made of one cup of water and one teaspoon of peroxide. Another option is to swish some antibacterial mouthwash over your toothbrush. Dip the toothbrush head in the solution and swirl it around for thirty seconds. After that, rinse it in water and let it air dry.
- Sanitize via UV Rays.
Ultraviolet rays can kill bacteria and viruses by destroying the molecular bond that holds them together. UV rays are less effective than mouthwash and hydrogen peroxide; however, they can still effectively kill the germs and viruses on your toothbrush. Some research proves that using UV rays on your toothbrush can also reduce their life.
If you are still worried about your dental health, there is no harm in booking a check-up. Schedule an appointment to stay on top of your dental health today!